A Dream Trip to India (February 2023)!

The picture above was taken earlier this month during my visit to one of Transcend's partners, Mijwan Welfare Society (MWS). I am sitting here with the MWS all-female artisan team that hand-embroidered our signature Sahar dress. These women make living wages and in many cases are the bread-winners for their families. Not only did they receive 75% of what Transcend paid for the project (only 25% is kept for MWS administrative expenses), but also recevied 2% of Transcend's total revenues from the sale of the Sahar dresses. The artisans are also proud mothers of many of the students sitting in the back of the room who have access to education through MWS' girls education initiatives.
One of the highlights of my trip was the opportunity to see several heritage textile crafts firsthand, including block printing, handloom weaving, and flower dyeing. I also loved visiting a regenerative manufacturing operation in South India that takes its own farmed cotton all the way to garment production. I was amazed at the skill and precision that goes into each piece, and it was clear that the artisans truly take pride in their work.

The art of block printing uses hand-carved wooden blocks to create precise prints on fabric. Less use of machines in the process means low carbon emissions and less mass production, which is a sustainability win!

Ever wondered what "handloom" really means? This wooden structure is one version of how fabric has been created for centuries before the invention of industrial factory machines that led to mass production and tremendous amounts of carbon emissions.
While I was completely taken aback by the beauty of the indigenous crafts and the skill of the local artisans, it was also disheartening to hear over and over again that this may be the last generation of artisans producing their craft. With the rise of fast fashion and mass production, many of these traditional crafts are at risk of becoming obsolete. This makes it all the more important for Transcend to continue supporting the artisans and preserving their craft.
Overall, my trip to India was an eye-opening experience that gave me a deeper appreciation for the people and processes behind our designs. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to meet with our partners and to gain a better understanding of the complexities of the supply chain. I am excited to bring back what I have learned and to continue building Transcend with our artisan partners to create beautiful, high-quality products that reflect our shared values.
Thank you for your continued support of Transcend.